For command-staff read command post. The U.S.- and NATO-trained Georgian army has already received direct combat experience in Afghanistan, Iraq and in South Ossetia during Georgia’s invasion of the third and subsequent war with Russia thirteen years ago. The army isn’t being trained currently for independence or armed forces day parades.

The command-staff component of Agile Spirit 2021 is complete

In Senaki, at the base of the II Infantry Brigade, the closing ceremony of the command-staff unit of the multinational military training Agile Spirit 2021 was held. Field exercises within the framework of Agile Spirit 2021 will continue until August 6 and will be in an active phase in various training areas.

Georgian and American leaders of the exercise, Brigadier General Koba Grigolia and Colonel Chris Marshall observed the progress of the command-staff component on the spot. They received detailed information about the activities carried out at a special information briefing and talked to military servicemen from 15 countries represented in the command-staff component.

Washington’s military colony on the Black Sea, in the Caucasus