Simian is a member of President Emmanuel Macron’s La République En Marche!

Izvestia: US-France submarine scandal leads to talk of Paris pulling out of NATO

France should weigh its foreign policy priorities and, given the new AUKUS alliance in the Asia-Pacific region and its discord with the United States, it should better relations with Russia among other countries, a representative of the French National Assembly (the parliament’s lower house) told Izvestia. Paris’ revision of its participation in NATO is also possible….

France, meanwhile, sees the new alliance as detrimental to its own interests, and nothing more than a betrayal. Member of the French National Assembly Benoit Simian told Izvestia that withdrawing from NATO shouldn’t be ruled out as a response. He believes that France needs to think about how to strengthen its diplomatic relations and cooperation with Russia.


…”Relations with Australia and strengthening the ‘great anti-Chinese wall’ in Indo-Pacific, containing and confronting China are the very top priorities of US foreign policy for the coming decades,” expert at the Russian International Affairs Council Alexander Yermakov explained to Izvestia. “Europe, NATO relations, and France’s grievances don’t mean anything here and this is openly demonstrated,” he added.