One must remember which nation is leveling the following denunciation. A nation that is is morally outraged by election irregularities. Indeed mortally wounded by such affronts to democracy. Where is Zeus with his thunderbolts? This is being posted in Chicago, the world capital of ballot box stuffing, chain voting, absentee ballots filled out by the tens of thousands by Democratic Party ward heelers, knocking “unfriendly” voters off the polling lists and dead people voting – often more than once in a single election. In fact there’s a German cemetery some three blocks from my apartment that decades ago when I was active in electoral work we referred to as the ward’s 51st precinct….Get with it, Georgians. Washington will not brook dishonest elections.


U.S. Issues Strongly Worded Statement on Georgia’s Elections

In a strongly worded statement about Georgia’s October 2 local elections….

“There is a dangerous risk that these and other recurring elections violations are becoming accepted as inevitable. Georgian voters deserve a higher standard of integrity in their election process,” the U.S. Embassy said.

The statement expressed regrets about actions that are “likely to further polarize and destabilize Georgia’s already tense political situation.” “These actions call into question some political parties’ commitment to the principle that political legitimacy should be won or lost at the ballot box,” noted the U.S. Embassy.