Closer to NATO: Benefits of Ukraine’s participation in NAC’s Armaments Committee

On October 26, Ukraine took part in a meeting of the NATO North Atlantic Council’s Conference of National Armaments Directors. The event is truly unprecedented. That’s because, despite the fact that our country has been involved in earlier conferences…this was the first time when this is about the issues that are the prerogative of NATO Allies exclusively.


The NATO Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD), or the NATO Armaments Committee, as already mentioned, is the Senior Advisory Committee of the Alliance’s North Atlantic Council (NAC). In turn, the NAC is NATO’s main political decision-making body, consisting of permanent delegates representing the Allies.


The Conference of National Armaments Directors is convened twice a year in plenary format, one time with the participation of the Allies exclusively and the other – where partners attend. There are also monthly regular meetings. They all take place at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

“It is known that, for example, besides Ukraine, representatives of Austria, Azerbaijan, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, and other countries also take part in such meetings.…”