ACO CSEL Visits Latvian Senior Leaders Course

Allied Command Operations (ACO) Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Siim Saliste visited the Latvian Senior Leaders Course from October 28 to 29, 2021.

During the visit, CSM Saliste was welcomed by CSM of the Latvian Armed Forces Edgars Joksts-Bogdanovs before speaking at the course alongside CSEL’s from Allies Estonia, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Poland, Norway and partner nation Sweden.

“[M]ost importantly we are able to take the things we’ve learned back to our own troops at home or those that are deployed on missions and put them in practice to better serve our nations and better serves the Alliance.”


Since joining NATO in March of 2004, Latvia has played a vital role in supporting…operations for the Alliance, notably playing host to NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup Latvia, and supporting missions and operations in the Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Allied Command Operations Command Senior Enlisted Leader Command Sergeant Major Siim Saliste visits the Latvian Non-commissioned Officers Course in Riga, Latvia on 28 October, 2021. Text and photo: NATO.