US Senate approves Mark Brzezinski as ambassador to Poland


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The US Senate confirmed more than 30 ambassadors on Saturday, including [Mark] Brzezinski….

The confirmation comes after US President Joe Biden in the summer nominated Brzezinski to serve as his ambassador to Warsaw.

Appearing before the US Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee in early December, Brzezinski said he would “commit to continue and strengthen” the United States’ security cooperation “with our stalwart ally Poland, where the enduring rotational presence of some 4,500 US troops defends NATO’s eastern flank.”

Brzezinski also pledged that he would “work with Poland to support the government and people of a peaceful and whole Ukraine, as well as the aspirations of the Belarusian people for a democratic Belarus.”


From 1999 to 2001, he served on President Bill Clinton’s National Security Council, first as a director for Russia and Eurasia, and then as a director for the Balkans….


Mark Brzezinski is the son of the late Polish-born Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as US national security adviser under President Jimmy Carter and was a holder of the Order of White Eagle, Poland’s highest state honour.

Mark’s father in Pakistan in 1981 to launch campaign against “Russian aggression”